All Images listed in Alphabet order

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list of icons:

Name: Toys
Description: "unknown"

Name: Renoult
Description: A part of a car Renoult, 512x512x8 Pseudocolor

Name: Peppers
Description: Peppers at table, 512x512x8 Pseudocolor

Name: Park
Description: "512x512x8 Pseudocolor; The image of the park with the lake"

Name: Omaha
Description: "unknown"

Name: Lincoln
Description: "unknown"

Name: LenaColor
Description: Very famous girl, 512x512x8 Pseudocolor

Name: Zelda
Description: "unknown"

Name: Woman2
Description: "unknown"

Name: Woman1
Description: "unknown"

Name: Peppers
Description: Peppers at table, 512x512x8 Gray

Name: Mountain
Description: "unknown"

Name: Man
Description: 512x512x8 Gray

Name: Lena
Description: Very famous girl, 512x512x8 Gray

Name: GoldHill 256
Description: Idyllic village 256x256x8

Name: Frog
Description: "unknown"

Name: France
Description: 672x492x8

Name: Boats
Description: Boats at ground, 720x576x8 Gray

Name: Boat
Description: Boat at ground, 512x512x8 Gray

Name: Baboon
Description: Face of a monkey baboon, 512x512x8

Name: Barb
Description: "blabol"

Name: Airplane
Description: Jet over mountain 512x512x8 Gray

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comments and suggestions to JaroslavFojtik