CAM View older and obsolette releases

CamView release 1.03 - Initial publish release release 1.04 Better image saving; CamView.mak builds a project. release 1.05 Ability to handle JPG files release 1.06 Ability to display histogram release 1.07 Bug fixes in pictures unit, saving also gm.txt format.
release 1.08 Upgrade wx from 2.6 to 2.8. release 1.09 MJPG format can be displayed. release 1.10 YUY2 video stream can be correctly displayed. release 1.11 Vertical flip of image when needed. release 1.12 Histogram stops calculating when image is not refreshing. Histogram is also painted better. Windows installer
CamView release 1.13 Display proper licence in About dialog. Fix PNG saving. Windows installer
CamView release 1.14 Notify user when configuration cannot be saved. Windows installer
CamView release 1.15 The image could be horizontally flipped.Windows installer
CamView release 1.16 Image format RGB32 is supported.Windows installer
CamView release 1.17 More precise frame timing.Windows installer release 1.18 Stream I420 is supported.Windows installer
CamView release 1.19 Improved for higher framerates like 60fps. Windows installer
CamView release 1.20 There was severe leak, please uprade at least to this releaseWindows installer 1.20.1
CamView release 1.21 - capability to display camera property page Windows installer
CamView release 1.22 WinInstaller Libraries libjpg, libpng were updated, czech localisation is supported.
CamView release 1.22.1 WinInstaller Faster decoder from YUV to RGB could be faster 1% to 2% than previous one.
CamView release 1.22.2 WinInstaller Wrongly reported resolution after change, thanks Filip to find out this flaw.
CamView release 1.22.3 WinInstaller Supported videoformats RGB555 and RGB565, make persistent second camera hide/visible.
CamView release 1.23 WinInstaller Fixed underlying image library with GIF, BMP, XPM, FITS, JPG and other formats.
CamView release 1.24.1 WinInstaller Fixed many flaws in underlying image library with TIFF, PPM/PGM/PBM, BMP, PNG and other formats.
CamView release 1.24.2 WinInstaller I forgot to activate JPG writer, now activated.
CamView release 1.25.0 WinInstaller Fix window positioning problem aftem monitor is detached, several bugfixes in images library.

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