CamView - Direct show camera viewer
USB, PCIe, FireWire
CAM View older and obsolette releases
CamView release 1.26 WinInstaller
Same as 2.0, but built on old MSVC2003 runtime as whole 1.x serie.
CamView version 2.2.2
WinInstallerx86 and WinInstaller64
Fixed video formats A16R16G16B16 and A16B16G16R16, thanks to Dmitry Nikitin for Direct Show AV tester.
CamView version 2.2.3
WinInstallerx86 and WinInstaller64 Fixed videoformats Y422, NV12 and I420.
CamView version 2.2.4.
WinInstallerx86 and WinInstaller64 Fixed videoformats V210 - all videoformats generated by AV Video Generator are supported.
CamView version 2.2.5.
WinInstallerx86 and WinInstaller64 Attempt to render image with negative height. Fixed video shape to a square.
CamView could be also found on SourceForge.
Windows executable is located in kamerka\bin\win32\ in source packages.
Supported cameras
The software has been tested with these cameras, but it should also work
with others. It also works with non USB builtin cameras on notebook.
- Ability to display 2 cameras simultaneously
- Save JPG,BMP images and much more other types
- Filter camera image data
- Supports high camera resolution
- Supported multiple language GUI, Czech and English available
Virtual test software camera
You can install pure virtual camera device to your Windows.
Virtual camera AVSHWS has been published on MSDN. This binary is digitally signed. For Win7,Win8 and WIN10 For WIN10_32; Win7_32, Win8_32 builds are not signed.
AVSWHWS driver manual and installation instructions.
Another userspace test purpose virtual camera compilled from Microsoft DirectShow SDK.
This camera supports formats RGB32, RGB24, RGB8, RGB565, RGB555.
Main widget library - wxwidgets
I am using this version of wxWidgets to compile CamView.
Library for processing images
JPG library
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