The Element of Water—A Few Meditations and Descriptions

Note: See Appendix for warnings and side effects.

William R. Mistele © 2022.

Of the many states of consciousness described in this book (The Ten SephirothGuide to the Inner and Outer Worlds), the vibration of water is the least known and understood. One Taoist master said to me, “It is impossible to teach Westerns how to meditate on the water element.” He taught the other elements but not water.

Of the fifty or so masters I have taken seminars from, none of them had the vibration of water in their auras. There is no lineage, no tradition, and no temples of the water element or of mermaids and mermen. Jesus said of his disciples, “Out of their bellies shall flows streams of living water.” But this prophecy has not been fulfilled even after two thousand years.

Though there are token uses of water in religious rituals, there are no serious prayers, sacraments, or liturgical practices that evoke the healing and purifying virtues of water. If you watch an outdoor baptism, it is like the baptized individual is trying to get out of the water as fast as humanly possible. Water is an unknown domain within the landscape of the soul.

On the other hand, as difficult as working with water may be, water offers fabulous benefits for those who unite their consciousness with it. Those with the vibration of water never lose their innocence. This means that traumatic past experiences do not limit their ability to give all of themselves in the present moment.

Water is self-purifying. Its vibration dissolves fear, sorrow, unhappiness, sadness, anxiety, and depression. Water annihilates loneliness.

Water offers renewal. It fulfills your dreams. It makes things whole and complete. Christopher Columbus put it this way: “And the sea shall grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home.”

You will notice, for example, after you succeed in water mediations, that people otherwise indifferent to you now enjoy being around you. They do not understand why, but your energy makes them feel more alive, more whole, and new.


We can begin meditating on the feet. Recall that blood is around 80 percent water. Using our imagination, we can put off to the side the other components in blood and concentrate on the water content.

Focus on the feet and imagine just water instead of blood is flowing through them. Some people will be able to feel this sensation directly, but it is sufficient to imagine the sensation. There are both physical sensations and feeling aspects to this awareness. Flowing water has these properties. It is cool, yielding, receptive, purifying, endlessly adaptable, receiving energy into itself, storing it, and then releasing. Become fully aware of these aspects of water so that they are the only thing in your awareness.

Along with the physical sensations of flowing water, there are the feelings that accompany or are behind and underneath them. Water is soothing, nurturing, renewing, healing, serene, calming, refreshing, bringing to life and making fully alive, and vivacious.

Selfishness, jealousy, and resentment are foreign to its nature. Though protective, sheltering, and nurturing, it does not allot any time to the need to feel important, validating one’s identity, or being possessive. Put simply, water is innocent and endlessly giving. But be careful thinking it easy to exploit and to direct. There are also no ends to its depths and it embraces all that exists.

This meditation can be done every day. You can begin focusing on the sensations of water flowing through the feet. You can then extend this flowing sensation up to the lower legs and gradually through the rest of

your body. Or you can begin with the feet and then imagine water flowing through the entire body.

The feelings associated with flowing water may appear spontaneously. Or you can focus on each feeling by itself, such as the calming sensation or a spontaneous feeling of happiness.

Later on, you may feel it is effortless to sense a connection between the flowing water in your body and images of water in nature such as a mountain waterfall, a stream, a river, lakes, an ocean bay and the sea.

Alternately, you can use your imagination to drop the temperature of water so it moves from feeling cool to very cold. Colder water heightens receptivity and healing capacity due to being able to absorb more heat quicker. And, again, as the meditation succeeds, you may notice you can begin to relieve simple things like headaches and tension in yourself as well as in other people.

For more on the water element, see my books, UndinesLessons from the Realm of the Water Spirits and also The Four Elements.

The Magnetic Fluid

From the water element, we can extract a more subtle vibration. We can call this the magnetic fluid. This magnetic force is analogous to magnetism in nature. It is cool and contracting. It is soothing, vivacious, and calming. It purifies and renews. It reveals what is missing from life and acts to make others feel fully alive.

In psychological terms, it is empathic, sensitive, and responsive. It draws together, bonds, joins, and unites. It accepts and affirms. Its shelters and protects. It heals and makes whole.

In spiritual terms, it presents us with feelings of wonder, ecstasy, and beauty. Like Psyche’s quest, feminine magnetism reveals the deepest feelings and mysteries at the core of the self.

The Ocean of Love Exercise. In this exercise, we join physical sensations and feelings. Though you will not find a discussion of this in any texts of psychology, some people do this spontaneously. It is one of the powers of love.

Imagine that you are in the center of an ocean of water. This ocean extends in all directions around you. Imagine the water of this ocean as being cool, perhaps blue green, pure, and flowing.

Now, add to these imagined sensations of a physical ocean the feeling of love. The water becomes a presence that is nurturing, healing, renewing, and fulfilling. It brings to life whatever it touches. We are now within and part of an ocean of love.

Some will be able to imagine the sensations of water surrounding them but have difficulty adding the feeling of love. Recall again that the sea brought life into being and that it sustains life. The magnetic field within the sea offers us dreams of the way our consciousness can be extended and refined. Once you sense the feeling that is inside water, the sea becomes a powerful symbol. It embodies the sensations and feelings of all-embracing love.

Alternately, you can practice the previous exercise of imagining blood is water as it flowing through your body. Then extend the imagination of flowing water so it surrounds your body on the outside. Gradually extend this sense of water farther and farther until you imagine it as a vast sea surrounding you.

Take a few moments to explore this imagery. Imagine that you are this sea of love. Identify with this vast field of energy without referring back to yourself as being in a specific location or even having a bodily form. You are love and this love is everywhere.

Now again visualize someone in front of you. Visualize the person’s body as a hologram, as being empty inside. Next, imagine that as the sea you begin to flow through the top of this person’s head into his or her body and out of the person’s feet.

As you do so, sense everything within this person. Your cool, flowing water heals, purifies, harmonizes, and nourishes. Pain and tension dissolve. Frustration and unhappiness disappear. The individual feels whole, complete, happy, and serene. In effect, you are uniting the individual with this sea of all-embracing love.

As you perform this exercise, retain the feeling that you are the entire ocean. Your energy and love are inexhaustible and everywhere. As the

ocean, you are pure receptivity, and no obstacle limits your power to flow and to remain pure.

One woman to whom I taught this exercise was able to produce strong sensations of flowing water combined with love in other people who were in no way psychic. It took two minutes to teach her the exercise. A minute later, with this simple meditation she was extending her aura through the body and mind of another person with effects that were unmistakable.

Another woman said to me after practicing the exercise, “I already do this every day with my boyfriend. I just never put it into words the way you do.”

You can also use this meditation for healing. Hold another’s hand or place your hands on a part of another person that is injured or needs healing. As you do so imagine this blue-green watery magnetic energy is flowing through the other person restoring them to health.

You can love and care for another person. But that is not the same as feeling there is a boundless source of love flowing from you through the other person. Because magnetic love is a force of nature, it is not prone to the insecurity, jealousy, and possessiveness of romantic love.

The ocean of love exercise teaches an individual to observe love as an actual flow of energy between one person and another. Because it arises from a boundless source, there is no ego present, no wounds from the past and no insecurities relating to the future. One of the initiations or mysteries of Venus is to find such love in yourself.

Brief Descriptions of Water on the Mental Plane, Astral, and Physical Planes

What is missing from life in that if we knew this one thing we might attain our highest destiny as human beings, live in harmony with the deepest purposes of life, and see with eyes so pure and penetrating that love will never fail us?”

The mental body is the realm of ideas, concepts, analytic thinking, investigations, questions and answers. It is also the clarity of mind that can hold before its gaze many things at once without having to form an opinion. And it sets specific goals and formulates plans of action for accomplishing them.

In the mental body, water produces a stillness of mind. The mind is mirror like, reflective, and receptive. This stillness has a soothing, tranquilizing effect. And with it too the past and future appear to you as being alive and nearby.

With the water element, then, the graphic imagination comes into play. An individual’s perception of feelings and the sensations of being alive are heightened. You also sense the impulses and desires that move others from within.

Mental plane empathy senses what another individual feels and why the individual feels that way. You are aware, then, of what it is like to be that individual and what makes the other feel most alive. Any quality of another’s emotional or psychic life that is unusual also comes into focus.

The water element has a transpersonal dimension. When this element vibrates within your mind, you feel connected to universal life. The entire spectrum of negative emotions such as anxiety, sadness,

depression, mental confusion, despair, isolation, loss, sorrow, anger, hatred, bitterness, jealousythese vanish with an awareness of the life that is equally within and sustaining all of us. Water speaks with the voice of the mother who says to her children, “Now get along. I love you all. None of you would be here if it was not for me.”

The Queen of Sheba and King Solomona Brief Story

Now the Queen of Sheba, like any king or queen, had duties and responsibilities. She had authority and power to some degree, though unlike a typical king, she was not seeking to expand her kingdom at any opportunity.

She was young. She was a beauty. And she did enjoy being who she was, for she ruled with a passion and true efficiency. She was not wise by any means. But this is certain. Everyone who met her was on their best behavior. And this is because she asked questions that went right to the heart of things so that nothing could remain hidden.

And so, as the story goes, one day the Queen of Sheba met King Solomon. And she said to him, “You are a living legend. It is well-known that you are the wisest of men who are living. Your knowledge illuminates the world endlessly like the rays of the sun by day and the light of the moon and stars by night.

“When you sing, it is as if you have borrowed an angel’s voice. And with your ears you understand the language of any creature that dwells upon the earth.

“And so after much thought and contemplation, I have framed for you a question that requires nothing less than the full heights, depths, and breadth of your wisdom to answer it.”

And King Solomon realizing that this was her way of flirting, and indeed, it was working, said to her, “Go ahead. What good is wisdom if it is never tested. Ask me your question.”

The Queen of Sheba said, “The truth of the universe is veiled, concealed, and hidden from us. We live our lives with darkness before us and behind us, and to the left and right. Mystery surrounds us on all sides.

“Clearly in your eyes you see the futurecivilizations one after the other shall rise and fall. Tragedy shall befall even the most noble and best of men. And we shall live our lives century after century repeating the same mistakes again and again.

“Therefore, answer my question. What is missing from life in that if we knew this one thing we might attain our highest destiny as human beings, live in harmony with the deepest purposes of life, and see with eyes so pure and penetrating that love will never fail us?”

And King Solomon, like many archangels themselves, love above all else a question that is well framed replied as he leaned slightly forward and gazed into her eyes such that she was nearly paralyzed. For now it was no longer a man or a king who was in front of her. Solomon was

speaking with another voice and from that very place where the answers to such questions are veiled, concealed, and hidden:

“You are not the first to ask this question. The angels deliberate as to the purpose, the destiny, and final end of the human race.

“In the fullness of time a great being of light shall appear on earth wearing the flesh, blood, and bones of human form. He shall see and speak from a realm of infinite light.

“But it is his touch that shall reveal the mystery. Water of the rain, streams, lakes, and seas in him shall live. By his touch, the blind shall see, the lame shall walk, and the dead shall rise again. The feeling and vibrations within water shall heal and renew the body and make the soul immortal.

“From his point of view, human beings are at best half alive. They live their lives as if they are already among the dead.

“To be as water in your heart and mind is to take that infinite light and as love to let it shine. It is a feeling that is more real than flesh, blood, or bone. This is why it makes the soul immortal.”

The queen began to speak but Solomon already knew her next question. He raised his hand to calm her as he said, “It is already around us and within us.

“When you can feel that water in nature is part of yourself and you use it to touch others to make them whole then you will understand what is missing from life. With it, you attain the highest. Without it, the human race will end in darkness.”

When the Queen departed for her home, she was indeed satisfied, for all her questions had been answered.

A Little Humor

And the Creator asks one of the Seven Mighty Angels who oversees the unfolding of the universe,

“Did I not create the oceans and the seas encircling the earth?”

And the angel says, “Yes, you did.”

And the Creator asks, “Why do you suppose I did so? I mean, I could have placed the earth outside the goldilocks zone so that it was either too hot or too cold to have liquid water on its surface.”

And the angel answers, “So that in one single glance men might behold in front of them extending from horizon to horizon a love that has nurtured life on earth for billions of years. In its very essence it gives without asking for anything in return. All embracing and with infinite receptivity, it seeks to fulfill any being’s deepest dreams and the visions hidden within their hearts.”

And the Creator asks, “How is that going?”

And the angel replies, “Not good. They glance a lot at the sea but the love that it embodies is not yet one of their discoveries.”

And the Creator asks, “Why do you suppose that is?”

And the angel replies, “When they can create love through force of concentration so that it emanates from their own bodies filling the space around them for miles, then truly they will awaken and perceive that the

oceans of the earth and the sun that shines down upon it emanate a love that extends to the ends of the universe.”


Put briefly, water on the mental plane seeks the answer to the question, “What makes each person feel fully alive?” You will notice when you talk to people that when they touch on certain topics or recall certain memoires their faces light up. Even ask divorcing couples in meditation, “When did you first meet?” and for a moment they put aside their tension and hostility and enter a feeling of enchantment as if they are back reliving that experience.

A medical doctor had recently retired and I was reviewing his life with him. I noticed his face lite up when he talked about how he used colors in painting to express his feelings when he was in elementary school. I suggested that now that he had free time he might wish to return to art since he seemed so alive when talking about it.

Water on the Astral Plane

Astral consciousness heightens the ability to feel, to be receptive, and responsive to others and to the situation we are in. Above everything else, our astral body enables us to feel fully alive.

The astral vibration of water is denser than the vibration on the mental plane. As such, the experiences on the astral plane feel more real and a part of you. You feel immersed in the feelings and sensations of happiness, affection, and contentment. You feel cleansed and purified and have a purifying influence on others.

The astral water greatly heightens the powers of attraction. This watery feeling is cool, magnetic, contracting, soothing, and calming.

We could say that peace, repose, calmness, serenity, happiness, contentment, well-being, delight, innocence, kindness, gentleness, affection, vivaciousness, empathy, sensuality, pleasure, bliss, and love

are qualities that are present when water and the magnetic fluid are operating successfully on the astral plane.

If you imagine the inside of your astral body being empty and filled with cool, blue-green water, you may experience these feelings like peace, serenity, and a sense of oneness with all things, etc. And if you are around someone who has the astral water strong, you may notice the sensation of being immersed in cool, soothing water. It is similar to feeling you are out in nature far from society. Here you feel relaxed, accepted, renewed, and released.

And if the astral water is even stronger in an individual, that person is spontaneously extending her watery energy through you. I have made this vibration into what I call a sea of love meditation which allows you to create it in yourself.

The astral plane sustains the inspiration, motivation, health, viability, and life within all beings, all paths, all religions, and all destinies. The astral water in an individual does this in a similar way with anyone who comes near. It is effortless like water itself that flows and purifies because it is its nature to do so.

The fire element has the dynamic force and power that initiates new actions, causing things to happen. The water element, as fire’s balancing polarity, brings those objectives to life so that there is wholeness, harmony, and love within them.

The Water Element in the Human Realm

If we look at the element of water in nature, we see rivers, streams, lakes, and seas; rapids, mountain falls, and waves; mist, fog, clouds, rain, hail, and snow. And the energy underlying water in nature? Water is cool, contracting, and attracting. It is soothing and calming. It is receptive as in utterly empty of form and completely open—able to receive and contain anything in itself, preserving, nurturing, animating, and making it fully alive.

We could say that peace, repose, calmness, serenity, happiness, contentment, well-being, delight, innocence, kindness, gentleness, sensitivity, acceptance, forgiveness, affection, vivaciousness, empathy, sensuality, pleasure, bliss, and love are qualities that are present when water and the magnetic fluid are operating successfully on the astral plane.

The Water Element in Society and in Nature

The most basic characteristic of an individual who is strong in water is that he understands other’s feelings. He has both mental and astral empathy. He can feel what other people are feeling and he understands why they are feeling that way.

If someone shares with him their conflicts and traumatic experiences, with great clarity and accuracy he can summarize both the content of what the individual has said and also the feelings the individual has as he speaks.

There is no ideological or political agenda, no unconscious judgment distorting what he hears. He is there 100% with that other person. You can both trust him to keep secrets shared in confidence and he is not pushing on the other person his favorite solutions to their problems.

His sensitivity and empathy are such that he can quickly understand what part of another person’s issues present themselves as physical stress, emotional attachments and past experiences, mental confusion, or spiritual decisions that the other person needs to look at. He is sensitive to the whole person.

Is mental and astral empathy sufficient for someone pursuing magical equilibrium? On the Titanic, a highly empathic and socially adapted individual might be informed that the captain is going at full throttle even though there have been reports from other ships regarding icebergs.

Our empathic individual might respond sensing the captain’s perspective, “I think Captain Edward Smith knows what he is doing. This ship is nearly indestructible and the captain has a solid reputation and a life time of experience. I don’t think you need to worry.”

Or a therapist in 1931 in Germany has a client who is a Jew. The client talks about how he had a terrible dream of being in a concentration camp.

Our empathic therapist might have replied, “Taking into consideration your ethnic background, it is completely understandable that you might feel a kind of racial anxiety about making your home here in Germany. But we are a democracy and a modern society. The terrible pogroms of the past are gone. The economy is severely stressed, but it will recover. You can put aside your nightmare. I assure you that no one is going to persecute you.”

The water element is extremely dangerous. It accepts, heals, and makes whole. It wants to get you into the moment where you can let go and just flow.

The great advantage of being in the moment is that you feel pure, clear, and renewed. A massive amount of anxiety disappears from your life. You are focused in the here and now. And this enables you to give so much more.

However, the risk is that water does not understand the extent the world is shaped by will. And so it does not understand those who are in charge and what they intend to do. The captain, in wanting to arrive in New York on schedule, wants to take you into an iceberg that will sink his unsinkable ship. And Germany wants to initiate a level of genocide not seen since Genghis Khan ruled an empire from China to Iran.

The empathic, sensitive, caring individual is not able to assist you when your fears are real and the assumptions you make, though a mistake, are acceptable to many other people.

On the other hand, the empathic, well-adapted individual has never encountered elemental water in human form. He has no transcendence. He does not know how to step back out of society to sense where the entire human agenda has gone wrong.

Do we need more in order to be balanced in ourselves than mental and astral empathy? You have to answer that for yourself.

When I'm in the ocean, this world and all that I am in it goes away and then I am myself again. It is effortless and a relief. For the time that I am in the ocean I am home and I am my true self. There is nothing hidden and nothing to worry about. I am surrounded by strength, love, pureness, and I am at the core of my original being. There are peace and serenity in my heartI find myself not wanting to regain my human self again; I just want to live in that moment forever.

“If I were to try to get someone else to understand what I feel in the ocean, I would have them hold my hands and float in the ocean letting go of all of their worries. I would place my hand on their forehead and let them feel how I am one with the water. I would have them use every sense to feel what the ocean is. I believe others can feel what I feel as I hold them in the waterthat I flow through them as the water flows around them. They may not understand it, but they will feel it.”

Appendix: Warnings, Side Effects

I am presenting a psychology of the four elements in nature—how to connect to them and make them a part of yourself. This is done in order

to feel more whole and complete, in tune with the dynamic forces unfolding the universe.

Part of the difference between psychology, meditation, sociology, and religion, as I imagine it, is that there is nothing standing between you and you contacting directly with these primary energies of creation. There is no priest and no doctrines. There is no teacher, mentor, or guru telling you what to do or transmitting to you his shaktipat or inner essence.

There is no certification program, no academic degree, and no degrees of initiation. There are no rituals, ceremonies, festivals, or sacred celebrations. It is just you meditating and finding in yourself these energies of nature. But if you like the word religion, then practicing the water or other element meditations are themselves the essence of a cosmic religion.

If I assert the above tenant of spiritual freedom and self-discovery, a few disclaimers and warnings are appropriate. For example, some people should never try to mediate on the water element. Send “loving” energy to some people and they get extremely nervous, lose control of themselves, or literally go out and kill someone to make themselves feel better. (Think Kim Jong Un of North Korea. Whenever he feels he is losing control he kills someone to assert that he is in charge, not someone meditating on his aura. Think of dictators who like to kill those protesting their regime or who like to invade other countries as a way of being their “authentic” self and realizing their dreams.)

One woman, a medium, started shivering for two days until she jumped into the ocean. Others may shake or shiver which goes away if they take a hot shower or if someone massages them and brings them back into their body. The water meditation inadvertently connected them to the astral plane where there is no body heat being produced through carbon oxygen metabolism.

Someone else may cry because touching the soft, innocent, caressing, and embracing sensations of water immediately brings to the surface unresolved conflict from the past involving love. So before beginning, you might ask yourself, “What deep feelings do I still have regarding unrequited love, abandonment, divorce, betrayal, rejection, or unfulfilled longings and desires?”

Take a few moments and review some of these experiences. See if you can imagine the opposite: like, “She/he abandoned me. But just a moment. I can imagine right now that it had worked out differently. We were able to communicate and we were successful giving each other our full attention. Ah. There. We spent a life time together. Our lives turned out to be a wonderful affirmation of love.”

If you can do the above, then you are not down there in a cage in the cargo bay of a ship called, “Life’s Journey.” You are in the captain’s chair.

If a problem emerges, you give it your full attention. You figure out what resources or skills you need to solve it and then you move on. You are active, not passive. And, as I suggested, you can right away imagine what you really want, go into that experience as if it is real right now, and then reverse engineer how to get there—how to make it part of yourself.

In regard to the first problem of shivering or other physical discomfort from meditating on the water element, it may help to expand your mental perception of water. Take one of the words or your own words relating to the list below and spend some time exploring it in your own terms.

If for me water is innocent or pure or receptive or soft or has great depth, what does that mean? I can think of several people who I can describe as being pure or innocent. They have never had a mean thought in their lives. They always seek the best for others, never feeling a desire

for revenge or getting even. They see you as your better self, the person you would be once your problems are solved, your conflicts resolved, and you are guided by the deepest inspiration that is appropriate for you.

Like water, they are in the moment, totally adaptable, responding and giving all of themselves because they are not constrained by bad experiences from the past. If I imagine one such woman like that with me now, I immediately feel refreshed, new, pure, and free in my soul.

Or consider physical sensations like soft or embracing. Fill a bowl or a sink with water. Then place your hand gently on the surface. Take your time. Just describe in your own words what you perceive about the water and what it feels like for you.

If I say the water is “soft,” for me that means I can sink my hand into the water and there is no stress, no warnings, and no caution needed as I go deeper. It is “soft” to the touch meaning it is gentle, caressing, pleasurable, sensual, and it really wants to unite with me, to be a part of me. And, of course, I can think of people who embody those qualities as well.

If you work through five or ten of these words that describe water, then you are better situated in your mind to feel comfortable with imagining water flowing through your body like a stream. Water then becomes an old friend, a cherished lover, and a guide to infinity. There are no restrictions placed upon what you can discover.

Another problem relating to water meditation is that some may discover early on that water is very blissful. Your nervous system becomes saturated with a refined pleasure such that you temporarily lose your normal survival instinct and the vigilance and attentiveness that is required to get through the day in a safe way. In other words, you are not as cautions as you normally are.

This may even affect your physical perception. While meditating, you may feel you are suspended in water. There is no gravity and no

momentum. You are just floating free. If you retain such perceptual sensations after you are done meditating and then drive a car or hike on a mountain path, you may feel safe and protected when in fact you are moments away from killing yourself.

If you are with a “mermaid” type woman, a woman who has a surcharge of water in her aura, you may feel temporarily high as if you just took cocaine. But if you leave her physical presence, you then may experience the opposite—physical withdrawal symptoms without having any clue as to why that is happening.

The water element, with its bliss, well-being, and all-embracing love, has to be integrated into your own life style and personality so that the other elements of your nature (like intelligent inquiry, focused will power, and commitment to work) are not overshadowed or briefly canceled. You do this by carefully observing how an elemental meditation affects you individually.

A Review of Some of the Words and Phrases Describing Water

Water is pure, purifying, self-purifying, and cleansing, Water offers renewal. It fulfills your dreams. It makes things feel more whole, alive, and new.

It is cool, yielding, receptive, endlessly adaptable, receiving energy into itself, storing it, and then releasing.

Along with the physical sensations of flowing water, there are the feelings that accompany or are behind and underneath them. Water is soothing, nurturing, renewing, healing, serene, calming, refreshing, bringing to life and vivacious.

It is protective, sheltering, and nurturing. Water is innocent and endlessly giving. There are also no ends to its depths and it embraces all that exists.

The magnetic force in water is analogous to magnetism in nature. It is cool and contracting. It is soothing, vivacious, and calming. It purifies

and renews. It reveals what is missing from life and acts to make others feel fully alive.

In psychological terms, it is empathic, sensitive, and responsive. It draws together, bonds, joins, and unites. It accepts and affirms. Its shelters and protects. It heals and makes whole.

In spiritual terms, it presents us with feelings of wonder, ecstasy, and beauty. Like Psyche’s quest, feminine magnetism reveals the deepest feelings and mysteries at the core of the self.

In the mental body, water produces a stillness of mind. The mind is mirror like, reflective, and receptive. This stillness has a soothing, tranquilizing effect. And with it too the past and future appear to you as being alive and nearby.

With the water element, then, the graphic imagination comes into play. An individual’s perception of feelings and the sensations of being alive are heightened. You also sense the impulses and desires that move others from within.

And the angel answers, “So that in one single glance men might behold in front of them extending from horizon to horizon a love that has nurtured life on earth for billions of years. In its very essence it gives without asking for anything in return. All embracing and with infinite receptivity, it seeks to fulfill any being’s deepest dreams and the visions hidden within their hearts.”

And the Creator asks, “How is that going?”

And the angel replies, “Not good. They glance a lot at the sea but the love that it embodies is not yet one of their discoveries.”

And the Creator asks, “Why do you suppose that is?”

And the angel replies, “When they can create love through force of concentration so that it emanates from their own bodies filling the space around them for miles, then truly they will awaken and perceive that the oceans of the earth and the sun that shines down upon it emanate a love that extends to the ends of the universe.”

In the astral body, water greatly heightens the powers of attraction. This watery feeling is cool, magnetic, contracting, soothing, and calming.

We could say that peace, repose, calmness, serenity, happiness, contentment, well-being, delight, innocence, kindness, gentleness, affection, vivaciousness, empathy, sensuality, pleasure, bliss, forgiveness, and love are qualities that are present when water and the magnetic fluid are operating successfully on the astral plane.

If you imagine the inside of your astral body being empty and filled with cool, blue-green water, you may experience these feelings like peace, serenity, and a sense of oneness with all things, etc. And if you are around someone who has the astral water strong, you may notice the sensation of being immersed in cool, soothing water. It is similar to feeling you are out in nature far from society. Here you feel relaxed, accepted, renewed, and released.

And if the astral water is even stronger in an individual, that person is spontaneously extending her watery energy through you. I have made this vibration into what I call a sea of love meditation which allows you to create it in yourself.

Water is receptive as in utterly empty of form and completely open—able to receive and contain anything in itself, preserving, nurturing, animating, and making it fully alive.