Your Chakras

Question: Do I have human chakras or are they different?

I will try to keep this short and to the point. It is my perspective. Obviously others will give you a totally different point of view.

Your first or root chakra, Muladhara, is like Rachel's, not the earth element but the water element. Here is her interview or chakra reading. I have several video interviews with her also under photos/albums/videos. She has the strongest, not the most psychic, but the force of power in her aura is stronger than any other mermaid women I have run into.

The first chakra allows people to feel grounded in this world. You as you know need to connect to ocean energy to feel a part of this world. You will not find this in human religious or spiritual traditions. They are here with the earth element in the first chakra.

The second chakra has the water element built into it if anyone bothers to look for it. Once again, human beings in all cultures and traditions almost without exception ignore the water element in their second chakra preferring to race elsewhere in rising to “higher chakras” or simply going on to the third chakra where they seek to exploit and dominate the earth with its fiery energy. Your second chakra very watery. It has a free, easy, relaxed, and flowing quality. You are very sensually alive in a way that is hard to find.

The next three chakras are quite different. From my perspective you have the elemental air and water combined almost equally though you tend to feel more attracted to water.

The third chakra or solar plexus area is where individuals assert themselves and have an intense, gut to gut connection to others. It is social interaction and sharing—direct, vivacious, attractive, engaging, and forceful.

From the point of view of your chakras you have closed this down since you have an emphasis on protecting yourself. This is because you lack fire and earth. The earth element within human beings typically is practical and results-oriented saying, I will work with anyone I need to in order to get the job done.

The fire element says, I will do anything I need to do to get what I want. And so fire and earth people find it much easier to interact with others since they have an overriding agenda. Though in practice, someone with just the earth element can be extremely reclusive because they are used to having their own space without any interruption.

There are other mermaid women who use the “bubble” concept to block out and to hide who they are from others.

Your heart chakra also is closed down. For you, it appears if you are open to others-which it is inherent in your nature to be--then every single feeling of other people gets inside of you and this does not work.

And your throat chakra also is closed. It is not that these chakras are not active and healthy. It is the opposite. You are too sensitive and so in practice you have found an “off” button to push whereas some of the other women have no off button. They are constantly in a state of hyper sensitivity to others. You at least have your own, private emotional space.

Your third eye is of the air element—pure air vibration. You have the brain waves of a sylph. And like your first, second, and now this chakra---all three of these chakras are outside of the bands of awareness in which human beings operate.

In other words, in your psychic or higher mental perception you are up in the sky like a sylph at fifty thousand feet or higher and you can see half of the planet. All that exists in your brain waves is freedom, clarity, balance, and harmony.

Your crown chakra too is the air element like a sylph. The crown chakra is one’s higher conscience, inner voice, and an overall sense of where you are going and what you wish to become transformed into.

You have almost exactly like your third eye a sense of seeing everything all at once from a state of harmony. Sylphs can do that with their sensory perception—their body awareness extends through space and they have the sensitivity to sense everything and also they perceive its harmony in relation to everything else.

Why are you here? You lack the earth and fire and akasha of human beings. Why not be here? Certainly human beings have lost their justification for being on earth because of the way they are actively, irrepressible, and predominately--from Warren Buffett to Bill Gates, from Steve Jobs to Zuckerberg, from Nancy Pelosi and Romney to President Obama-- they are actively treating the planet like a garbage dump where they can unload all the toxic waste they wish in order to increase GNP—Gross National Product.

With the air and water elemental powers you possess you could learn to control weather—like hurricanes from hitting cities. You could learn to heal because water and air are powerful forces of vitality in human bodies and you actually possess awareness of them as elemental energies.

You could also practice the active listening I mention because you do have the air and in active listening you actually act like a mirror—like the sky awareness you possess inside—as you listen to others. You do not need to allow the other’s feelings to get inside of you. You reflect them like a mirror. You do not receive them into yourself the way water receives sunlight.

I think it is so much easier for you to identify with the water/mermaid side of yourself because the water element is so palpable and real to you. The air element for you is more of the mind—you have to put aside your awareness of your human body and enter the sky. There is nothing in our culture that does that. Sky diving is no more being “of the sky” than scuba diving is “being of the water.”

Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?

I will tell you though it will be hard for you to understand for another twenty years. Keep your barriers up. Keep that sense of yourself of being in your own quiet space undisturbed by the cacophony of emotional conflicts going on around you.

But this is who you really are as I see you standing before me right now—not a vision—the real you: you are a living, breathing equivalent of all that the NSA—National Security Agency—is attempting to accomplish in its perverted way.

Except you have the positive version: you can easily monitor the minds of anyone on earth and tell them when they are getting out of line and what they must do to return again to a path of harmony and beauty. You do not just suggest that to them. You set the path before them exactly the way each morning looking out of your window you see the light of dawn explaining to the night—the time of darkness is over.

I bless you with all of my heart.

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