A Hymn to Divine Providence
In every breath and sigh of air
His love is there
In sight, smell, taste, sound
In touch it abounds 
Ecstasy is everywhere
Darkness is another kind of light
Hidden in your heart
Through your choice
It gains voice 
Through your art
What is separate reunites
Who can endure a joy so great 
All suffering and pain
It annihilates? 
Who can skip, dance, and play 
So that time fades away   
The moment halting
Stillness blossoming 
Its fragrance  
Encompassing the universe?
What prophet or saint 
Can stand in the Presence
And feel what this Stranger feels
So there is nothing you can not heal
No secret you can not reveal
No mysterious light so bright
You can not endure the sight?
In every breath and sigh of air
His love is there 
Who can grasp 
The wonder of being alive
In every moment of time
To walk by His side? 
Note: "in every breath and sigh of air" is from
Bergman's movie, Wild Strawberries.

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