Copyrgiht (C) 2000 by William Mistele. All rights reserved.
Cigila, 28 degrees Pisces, Divine Virtues and Missions.

Reason for Evocation: Cigila is one of the first spirits I worked with decades ago. I immediately had a prophetic dream about a world event which Cigila wished to prevent. Karma can be like a balloon payment in which all the debt comes due at once. In this case, it causes terrible suffering. On the other hand, karma can also be satisfied in ways which are relatively mild and which bring fulfillment to all concerned. Cigila specializes in unfolding the future so it becomes a path of light, love, and wisdom.

I would like to work with Cigila now in order to focus on his methods of development and to seek guidance in various areas. Cigila is a quality control expert. He keeps your priorities straight and he upgrades your abilities.

Bardon says of Cigila, "Since this head is a special initiator into, and a teacher of, magical quabbalistic mysticism, he can make the magician acquainted with secret methods which enable the latter to develop within himself in all three planes--the mental, the astral, and the physical--the most perfect divine virtues by the help of magic and quabbalah. Having developed within himself these virtues, the magician will then find it easy to acquire all those faculties which are connected to these virtues. The magician following these secret methods becomes more and more mature in fulfilling carefully certain tasks according to the will of Divine Providence."

Pisces in the Earthzone: Let me pause a moment as I focus my mind within the akasha of the earthzone relating to Pisces. Pisces senses the oneness of life. This oneness is vast and rich. It is hauntingly beautiful and majestic. Pisces delights in the matrix in which we all "live, move, and have our being." This energy field, extending everywhere, is so vital and endearing you feel as if you need to protect it as if it is your own blood.

I do not mean to get carried away with this but the akashic level of Pisces energy is rather intoxicating and mystical. When I look at the leaves of the papaya tree or listen to the dove, the vitality within them and even their form seem part of myself--I want to honor and celebrate their life. Pisces inspires the desire to give back. This is not the serious, taking responsibility typical of Capricorn. With Pisces, you give because you are inspired--you enjoy the movement of energy flowing through you to others.

28th Degree of Pisces: This degree demonstrates the oneness of life. It makes the sacred concrete. It takes an ideal and makes it into real organizations, ministries, and charities. It is not a particularly religious outlook. It just sees in advance what is needed so there is safety and healing instead of danger and pain.

Cigila's Domain: When you rise a little higher on the plane of the akasha, you run into a vibration more specific to Cigila. This is the ideal of the servant. But this servant makes sure he is in harmony with the universe and a representative of Divine Providence. Cigila exists to empower those who wish to play this role so that at some point the work you accomplish is indeed the work of Divine Providence.

Cigila's Sigil: We have come to the end of the age of Pisces which has encompassed two thousand years. It is fitting, therefore, to consider how the Piscean ideals of love, caring, nurturing, devotion, faith, and service can be distilled into one spiritual awareness. Cigila's sigil is this vision.

The downside of Pisces will always remain--fanaticism and self-hatred; religious bigotry and self-righteousness; selfishness, greed, and craving for power disguised as faith, piety, and idealism. But it is also possible to find and integrate within our own awareness a feeling of being joined to life and being one with the universe. Yet this oneness is not a mystical introversion and passive withdrawal from life seeking self-enlightenment. It actively shapes the world. This enlightened spirit of love and service is the energy in Cigila's sigil.

Cigila's Inner Source of Inspiration: It is the nature of Divine Providence to embrace the universe. It holds all things within its heart guarding and guiding them, empowering and inspiring so they can attain fulfillment. It sees the beginnings and it knows the ends. Its motivation is a love and ecstasy beyond all understanding.

What you have to understand about Cigila is that he is familiar with the inner mysteries of Divine Providence. For this reason, he has been granted incredible latitude when it comes to making changes which alter history and shape the future. A magician, then, who is adequately trained and inspired by Cigila can temporarily become an agent of Divine Providence. Though the magician remains an individual with his own personality, he also is invested with special authority to accomplish designated missions. This is a Pisces thing--the greater harmony of the universe moves through you both as love and power.

In my experience, Cigila is one of a few beings who has a special tie to the great spirit overshadowing our solar system. The greater spirit's essence is love. From this perspective, all power, wisdom, faith, knowledge, and also history are servants of love. They exist to unfold its purposes. Cigila teaches the virtue needed to become conscious of this love. He also teaches through case studies and specific details how to apply this love so its reality is embodied and its influence becomes a permanent part of our world.

Consider--Chimirgu, one of the Aquarian earthzone spirits, is like a cosmic Zen master. He shows you how to attain emptiness of mind so you can become one with any being or spirit. Cigila, by comparison, takes this akashic Zen oneness and applies it. You embody akashic emptiness even as you join the board of the World Bank, act as an ambassador at the United Nations, write TV sitcoms, discover new things as a scientist, work as a public advocate for justice and mercy, for ecology and consumer interests, teach and raise children, etc. There is no end to the projects Cigila considers important for assisting mankind's development. Your contribution is a function of your past life experience, your present maturity, and your situation in life.

Cigila's Outer Aura: As I concentrate on Cigila, he appears before me. It might be easy to mistake him for an angel but he is much too concerned with details and with what is required to bring about changes in the world. It might be easy to feel his presence as being sacred and holy but there is not a trace of anything religious about him. His presence is an absolute clarity. I always get the impression from his energy of a bell that is ringing offering the experience of being one with the innermost dreams and visions of life--offering healing and creating peace; it is a sense of giving of yourself, without recognition or acknowledgment, so that the world is made new in unimaginably rich, wonderful, and satisfying ways.

If Cigila were incarnated, he would be the teacher I have always wanted to meet. He would be a student of the wisdom of all traditions. He would know more about the issues which concern our planet than any politician, scientist, ecologist, activist, or head of any intelligence service. And when he speaks, he would speak with the voice of the Earth about how you can use your life in the most beneficial and far reaching way to assist mankind.

Of course, this is part of the reason for becoming a magician--you are a little more sensitive to what is missing from life and you have the power and the means to discover what can be done to remedy that condition. I could spend hours just sitting here meditating with Cigila without bothering to think one thought except perhaps this--what a great heart Cigila has.

There is also a profound stillness in Cigila's aura. For me, it is the perfection of the words, "Be still and know that I am God." But this stillness is not so much about a personal relationship to God or a religion's understanding of a deity.

A magician is not restricted to the agendas enunciated in historical religions. Though not without a personal vision of God, he is, and wisely so, interested in embodying in himself to whatever extent he can the attributes of Divine Providence. In this sense, Cigila's aura says, "Be still and know that God is within you. Know and experience in this stillness that you are a vehicle for Divine power, wisdom, and love."

Inner Aura: Cigila is a divine being who, surrounded by the knowledge and beauty of the universe, studies the earth. Like a clairvoyant magician with a crystal ball, he looks for those who are ready to transform the world. He reveals visions of human needs and what may be done to ease the pain and fulfill the dreams. His images are very specific, the situations very concrete and detailed. A president of the United States could only dream of having an intelligence report this accurate with recommendations about what steps to take to remedy a conflict before it occurs.

One of the interesting things about Cigila is his attitude toward commitment. Pisces is a sign of service but in order to serve you must first undergo training appropriate for your work. Cigila accelerates your learning schedule. Wisdom is made available to you which could not otherwise be easily found.

In other words, Cigila has a fabulous way of developing your identity as a spiritual being. You perceive the world with great sensitivity and prophetic vision. The extent and strength of your perception is astonishing. Yet for Cigila, divine beings take responsibility for particular areas of life. Service keeps you grounded and practical. Without working on behalf of mankind, Cigila's transcendental power could begin to dissolve an individual's ties to the world in which he has incarnated.

Akashic Plane: On the akashic plane, you sense immense power and spaciousness in Cigila's consciousness. Consider four of the twenty-four elemental beings Franz Bardon describes in his second book. Cargoste is nearly aware of the entire atmosphere of the earth. Pyrhum is aware of all the magma beneath the earth. Isaphil is aware of the history of the seas. Mentifil penetrates with his mind through the atomic vibration of all the elements in the periodic table.

But Cigila could evoke these four and the other twenty elemental beings and be aware of all they are aware of without the faintest disturbance or tension occurring within his consciousness. Beings like Cigila exist to keep magicians on the right track. They offer a taste of what it is like to be joined to Divine Providence. They also offer a standard to measure yourself against so you make something wonderful of your life. Instead of wasting decades searching in the wrong places or assuming you are at the height of your powers, they show you a vision of what you can really do if you align yourself with Divine Providence.

On the akashic plane, you can sense how these earthzone spirits influence the entire earth with their auras. They emanate an inspiration extending everywhere on the planet. More specifically, there is a nearly incomprehensible stillness which Cigila's aura emanates on the akashic plane. It is a stillness containing power, wisdom, love, and enlightenment all blended into one without distinction.

A magician should feel comfortable in evoking within himself a meditative trance of this nature. It is pure transcendence. It is a state of mind in which you know yourself to be a spiritual being in harmony with the universe. In this place of spirit, there is no need for faith or conviction, for beliefs and commitments or ideals and aspirations. You exist within oneness and completion and nothing within the worlds of form can shake or disturb this harmony.

Mental Plane: When you bring this cosmic oneness down to the mental plane, you develop a mind which is crystal clear, relaxed, still, and free of all strain and tension. Clarity and openness of mind are divine virtues and Cigila embodies this to a level of perfection. You might try this. Relax and imagine your mind is clear and open like a vast space free of all boundaries and limitations. When this feels completely familiar and easy, then you have an approximation of Cigila's energy.

Another way of saying this is that on the mental plane the mind can embody complete freedom. Thoughts, ideas, theories, philosophies, and doctrines have no power over you. They are neither the tracks your mind travels down like a train nor do they exercise weight and momentum like stones dropped into a pond blurring what is seen beneath. You are free to use thoughts to express yourself but your consciousness is in a space thoughts can not reach. It is the place from where thinking originates. It is pure intuition without mental exertion.

I once asked an acupuncturist if there was an acupuncture point which could stop an individual from thinking. She put a needle in a point in my neck and, sure enough, for the next three hours I found it difficult to think any thoughts. At that time when I was worrying too much, it was a relief.

Since Cigila specializes in Divine virtues, meditating with him on the mental plane is one way to learn to stop thoughts and develop an inner stillness. This is not a form of mind control which takes years to master. Cigila emanates a very loving energy and a oneness with all things which is also pure perception.

Since love is nurturing and protective, you can let go when you are sitting within Cigila's aura. You do not need to worry about what is happening to your identity or whether your will might be compromised or become weak because you are relying on another's support. You can join with this stillness and make it your own.

Of course, having a mind free of thoughts is one kind of meditation. What Cigila is doing is making the mind like a crystal ball used in magick. The stillness of this mind is able to gather, condense, focus, and transform light and energy. It has the clarity, purity, and structure of silent power.

For me, there are as many kinds of enlightenment and powers as there are stars in the sky. The point is to find that enlightenment which can benefit the world in which you live. Otherwise, you can explore countless paths of spirit which, though fascinating and real, mean less than nothing to your world and offer no genuine illumination to your society. Consequently, Cigila is a great teacher showing how to combine the incredible power developed through practicing magick with concrete service to others.

Astral Plane: Again, in the spirit of Pisces, Cigila senses the one life which is the matrix for everything that exists. Cigila's aura is like a prayer that mankind be inspired to take responsibility for its own history. Cigila's aura awakens an awareness of what is in the future and how it can be changed so that the purposes of love are better served. This perception is the natural result of a special kind of trance Cigila evokes. As with some other spirits, as I meditate with Cigila I have the impression of being inside a crystal ball. This ball of energy is the perfection of the four elements on the astral plane.

The earth element is present as solidity and endurance. Developing this aspect of the earth element leads to astral immortality because the astral body is free of decay. In effect, when you incarnate, your abilities from former lives come through much more quickly. You do not have to develop your mind and spirit so much to get in touch with who you once were.

This ball of energy has water's sensitivity. You see the and feel the future. There is also the clarity of air and high level of mental vibration. And fire is present as a power which can extend itself anywhere it chooses.

I ask Cigila, "What am I missing?" Cigila replies, "Pause and sense directly the astral plane around you as I perceive it. What do you see?"

I reply, "I see the way your stillness reflects all that exists on the astral plane. You embody whatever being or energy you focus on and you also offer protection."

Cigila says, "Yes. I do this. But what you are missing is the inspiration. The service I offer is a celebration of giving. It is the love of Divine Providence in action. In my presence, human beings learn to see not only the fulfillment of their own needs but the fulfillment of the world’s needs.

"To move from selfishness to giving requires being anointed with beauty and love. The soul experiences freedom and the heart a oneness with life. There are no limitations, no boundaries or restrictions, placed on what love may accomplish. Nothing may interfere with the dreams or ideals you choose to make real when you embody the love of Divine Providence."

As I meditate more with Cigila on the astral plane, I fall into a state of ecstasy. This is a familiar heart chakra experience--it is feeling every cell in your body saturated and overflowing with love. It is breathtaking. It steals selfishness from you. It annihilates sorrow. It the destruction of depression and sadness. It is the end of jealousy and vanity. It is an ocean of compassion so vast and rich that fear drowns in it and is no more to be found.

This love finds every need and desire within your soul and satisfies them so completely that you are transported on to another level. You meet your better self. You feel you have become your own guardian angel--a being of light whose purposes are all universal and whose work is eternal.

It is said in kundalini yoga when you awaken the power in the Muladhara chakra and join it with the crown chakra you see a light brighter than ten thousand suns. To meditate with Cigila here on the astral plane is to perceive ten thousand civilizations rise and fall before your eyes. And then the question is put to you, "What part will you play as you incarnate among these worlds? What divine gifts will you share and impart to others? What work will you accomplish as a token and symbol of the infinite light and love which shines within your soul?"

The service you undertake is not based on morality or ethics though those are important. It is neither derived from a religious ideal nor is it the application of a general principle or abstract conception. It arises out of ecstasy. You are able to give because you are filled to overflowing. Whatever your situation in life, however dark your path may be, you remain free in your soul to dip a cup into a light and love which shines to the ends of the universe. You may drink as much as you want of this divine energy. Those who serve the light have discovered there is no end to the power and wisdom which exists within them. Actions and service inspired by the oneness of life will remain and be effective as long as consciousness exists within the universe.

Physical Plane: To perform service in a way which reflects the purposes and inspiration of Divine Providence requires an extraordinary training system and magical development. In this regard, Cigila is similar to Amalomi with whose assistance Franz Bardon wrote the book, The Key to the True Quabbalah. Cigila motivates an individual to embody within himself the various energies of the universe so that his microcosm reflects the laws and harmony of the macrocosm. Cigila's primary interest is teaching how the purposes of Divine Providence can manifest through you. This requires you to universalize your physical, astral, and mental bodies. To this end, you learn consciously to control and direct the energies of the four elements, the ten sephiroth, the planetary spheres, and also the cosmic letters.

Ideally, you train in all these things first and then you work to apply them. In practice, this training is extended over many life times. In one incarnation, you may be working on perfecting the mind to think and to contemplate. As a member of your society, you make contributions in the areas of ethics, philosophy, or mathematics.

In another life time, you may be a troubadour or bard who seeks to express through poetry the perfected ideal of love. Your aura is saturated with the emerald green of Venus. And then again at another time, you may take into your hands the power of Mars and Jupiter to govern and to rule effectively. Your training is not complete until you are free to serve in any way which is required to meet the needs of the world. If you embody the energies of the universe within yourself, then you are also free to share its wealth according to each situation you enter.

Consequently, Cigila has several different interests. He inspires you to train as a genuine Quabbalistic magician who seeks to perfect himself. And he also points out with a great skill that, given your past life accomplishments, there are things you can do right now for the world to alleviate suffering and to benefit human development. Self-mastery and service, in Cigila's mind, are a joint endeavor.

These two activities might seem to conflict. But part of the job of a magician is to weigh the purposes and needs of time with those of eternity and to mediate between the two. A magician is transcendent and also physically present. He deals with the pressures and demands of physical circumstances without compromising his divine intuition. You could say Cigila is a specialist who teaches the highest virtues and also offers commissions enabling magicians to be of service.

When you seek to serve others following your divine inspiration and under Cigila's supervision, you are granted special magical powers to fulfill your mission. The love Cigila channels contains within it nearly incomprehensible levels of power. As this love flows through you, you naturally are able to perform on a higher level than anything you might have imagined before.

Of course, karma has to be worked out. But now the negative influences of the four elements no longer weigh upon you. You see your limitations from a universal perspective and you enjoy giving back and helping others who need your assistance. And further, your karma no longer presents on obstacle to accomplishing remarkable things for others. You maintain a balance between your personal sphere of activity and your divine work.

Common Difficulties/Imbalances: The reason Cigila prefers individual's who have been magicians in previous life times is because his level of power requires someone who has already worked through the basic issues of magick. The ability to shift in and out of a spiritual identity has already been established. The ability to take hold of karma and transform it through spiritual will, this too is a basic requirement. There is a need to look at your life situation from the point of view of your personality and also from the view of your spirit. This internal dialogue you have practiced many times before.

The personality says, "Here are my needs. I am not going to get very far without meeting them." And the spirit replies, "Since you have committed yourself to a higher purpose, here is what we can do with your situation. Your karma can be resolved in an instant as long as you make it a part of a different equation: the hatred you have inside you? It is now love. Your obsessions we turn into wisdom. And your fear--see the divine power concealed within it. These transformations come from above."

Unless you have done this before, you are not ready to look into the mirror of akasha. You are not ready to feel in your heart the light of endless stars and the expanse of the universe. The vision is too terrifying. It would be a wilderness without landmarks, paths, or guides. A magician at some point is required to make his own maps because a magician forges new paths of spirit for a society which is struggling to overcome the darkness within itself.

There are other differences to consider. Individuals without a thorough training in magick from previous lives are involved in a discovery process. They ask themselves questions such as, "Is magick real?” “Why isn’t my faith stronger?” “Why don’t other people recognize how important I am?”

Or, if they can prove to themselves that they are clairvoyant or telepathic, they ask, "What can or should I do with this? Shall I use my supernatural abilities to make money or to exercise power over others? Or shall I discover if there really is a spiritual world with beings of light and angelic nature hovering just out of sight?"

And they also sometimes say, "I shall be cautious with my powers. I do not want to know things which will make me different from others or which will disturb or threaten my identity." Individuals exploring magick for the first time have many issues to explore and to resolve.

Others who have been magicians before also may not be interested in working with spirits like Cigila. These are individuals whom Buddhists sometimes refer to as arhats. They have attained a degree of enlightenment through their own means. They are fiercely independent and cherish their autonomy. When they reincarnate, they automatically sense the power within themselves and desire to develop it further.

But the main theme governing their development is accomplishing things through their own efforts. They take pride in what they do and wish to be dependent on no one else. Such individuals may choose to become businessmen rather than magicians. This is because business celebrates and rewards in obvious ways those who are dynamic and powerful in accomplishing their aims.

In a story I wrote about Balaam, I contrast the historical magician Balaam to Moses. Balaam unequivocally demonstrated to himself his power to control fate. Balaam was also interested in acquiring knowledge of God and akasha. This he did but his interest was limited.

Moses also sought to master himself and his karma. But because of his inspiration, Moses had an interest in acquiring power like unto the Creator. The difference between Balaam and Moses was a matter of the heart.

It is in the heart that we learn to perceive the interconnection of all beings. The creator cares for and nurtures the world. When he creates, he creates out of the inspiration of love and beauty. There is no separation during this activity. Your gazes pierces the veils of past, present, and future and all beings fall under your protection. It is this individual who adores and appreciates the creativity of Divine Providence whom Cigila is best suited to assist.

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