Copyright (C) 1999 by William Mistele

Ugolog -- A Spirit of Prophecy, Earthzone 25 degrees Pisces

Reason for Evocation. One of my personal reasons for working with Ugolog is to understand better those I care about by seeing in advance the difficulties they will go through. Ugolog sees all of an individual's incarnations and all human and divine activity from the perspective of divine mercy. For Ugolog, underlying life is divine light and love is everywhere and in everything.

Ugolog's clairvoyance reveals paths of liberation and high creativity in every circumstance. As I look back at the darkest periods of my life from Ugolog's perspective, I can see how cosmic wisdom was waiting silently for me to discover its presence.

Ugolog's aura integrates consciousness. Without entering a trance or altering your state of mind, Ugolog enables you to sense your guardian angel and the spirit within you. You feel at peace with all desires, longings, and cravings hidden within all your chakras in their densest vibrations.

Franz Bardon says of Ugolog: "The magician applying this heads methods will learn to read the past, present, and future thoughts of any human being, his astral development from its origin to its perfect maturity as well as the physical fate of past or future incarnations."

If you look at the 360 spirits of the earthzone as teachers in a divine university, I think it is fair to say that Ugolog is chairman of the Department of Prophecy. It is a great honor to work with him.

Pisces in the Akasha of the Earthzone: Pisces resonates with the sacred energies of life. Inspired by Pisces, your heart opens and you feel guided by higher purposes. You wish to be of service because serving others draws you closer to these renewing and vitalizing energies.

The 25th degree of Pisces: This degree contains the ability to understand and assist Divine Providence as it guides life on earth.

Ugolog's Domain: In this domain, you learn to see how the deep and mysterious purposes of spirit play a part in shaping history and producing the physical circumstances in which we live.

Ugolog's Sigil: Ugolog's sigil gathers your energy into your third eye so it feels like a bright star.

Ugolog's Inner Source of Inspiration: Ugolog shows you how to understand and work with the purposes of Divine Providence. For Ugolog, it makes no sense for Divine Providence to watch over, to inspire, and to guide history unless you can be aware of these purposes, find them in yourself, and work with them creatively. Ugolog's aura offers ways and means for the highest light and inspiration to be present and active within you.

Ugolog's Outer Aura: Ugolog's aura makes the highest akashic light accessible to our intuition and manifest in acts of tenderness. It is one thing to see the past, present, and future accurately. It is another thing to see them through the eyes of love. In the second case, you can see ways fate can be reshaped so that even the most difficult of circumstances can be anointed with beauty and love.

There is also a remarkable ecstasy in Ugolog's aura. About twelve years ago, I was working with a young psychic. When I tuned into Ugolog, she noticed that my aura was reshaped. There was now a cylinder of dark violet light in the center of my body stretching from the top of my head through my feet.

From the densest physical desire and instinct to the highest spiritual awareness--all my chakras had become joined into one flow of vitality and light. This energy configuration opens a gate so that your consciousness can sense all planes and be receptive to all vibrations. High prophetic ability requires not just being clairvoyant. It requires being able to saturate your whole aura with akasha.

In a sense, the major experiences of life activate our chakras and serve as the medium through which akasha enters our consciousness. There is, for example, the experience of sensual affection and emotional support in the second chakra. Developing a social identity strengthens the third chakra. Our experiences with the sacred open our heart chakra and so forth.

Such experiences gradually join the highest light and the densest aspects of matter into one circulating flow of energy. In other words, the body, personality, soul, and spirit become aware of each other and work together. No one aspect of the self is subordinated to any other aspect. Each has its legitimate part to play. Each is an essential rung in the ladder leading between the physical world and spirit.

Ugolog heightens our ability to move freely between the planes and from chakra to chakra. Your life unfolds through specific experiences and yet you also develop a wider perspective. Ugolog's clairvoyance requires we perceive life in the full spectrum of feeling, thought, and spiritual intuition.

For example, to feel at home in akasha--a formless state of awareness--an individual also needs the experience of bonding with another on a deep level of sensuality and pleasure. To see through time the mind must also know how to probe the atomic vibrations of the elements in the periodic table. To speak of love an individual's commitment to truth must be absolute. Ugolog's clairvoyance arises from weaving all aspects of life experience into one crystal of vision. For prophetic ability to be accurate, nothing can be repressed, held back, or left out of the joining.

There is a downside to being saturated with akasha to this extent. In circulating a high voltage of energy through all the chakras, unknown instincts and cravings may be stimulated. You may then feel as if a destructive spirit is influencing you. Such negative spirits say, "We exercise authority and power where cravings which are wild and blind. You must pay us homage and tribute for this is our due if you would pass through our dark domain of desire and pain."

But all instincts and desires can be worked with in a positive way. After all, demons only exist to test you. What they are really asking is, "Is there any way I can get you to doubt your ideals and spiritual commitments?" Like some human beings, they hate it when they see someone moving about with a freedom they are denied. But if your purpose is clear and your commitment absolute, they will leave you alone. Demons can not stand bright light. Expressed in a humorous vein--Question: What do demons hate most? Answer: Having hell scared out of them.

In summary, Ugolog's outer aura is a joining of pure perception with compassion. It sees through everything. By extending mercy and blessing, this insight liberates by granting us freedom to respond to our life circumstances in new and creative ways.

Ugolog's Inner Aura: Ugolog's inner energy is like a vision from the planet Neptune which rules the constellation of Pisces. Whatever shall be the future history of the human race, whatever terrors and destructions shall befall us, Ugolog's heart vibrates with our final destiny--there will come a time when we discover boundless light and love in our hearts. We shall find this light and love in every other heart as well. At that time, the human race collectively will attain enlightenment. Ugolog knows this with absolute certainty. He holds this vision of future history within his heart.

Others also see in this way. The prophet Isaiah had this dream within his heart--he saw that love shall one day govern the nations. And the current Dalai Lama also is a representative of this vision. It is more than religion or ethics for him. He speaks with the voice of the constellation Pisces when he says, "As long as suffering remains to sentient beings, I will remain to serve." I like to paraphrase that sentence in this way: "The universe will not end until every heart is found and every soul becomes pure light."

The Akashic Plane: On the akashic plane, Ugolog sees several things at the same time. He sees the accumulation of karma and past, historical actions which make things the way they are. And he sees complete freedom.

If you want to go beyond your culture and society and initiate a new tradition or if you want to change your life pattern, you can do this. There is a cost but you have to remember that institutions and personal habits change of their own accord and in their own time. That is, there are natural processes of change suitable for yourself and for the world. You have to be careful that you do not try to alter something that is more powerful than you.

You may be able to break wooden boards with your hand through force of skill and will, but not bars of steel. Even during times of upheaval and civil wars, stability and order are preserved. If you want to intervene and alter history, you have to see that the underlying purposes and deep soul needs are fulfilled. Otherwise, the revolutionary who speaks of freedom ends up instigating an even more severe totalitarian order. The reason is he has less ability than those he overthrows to master the forces controlling his society.

Personal habits and life goals are a different matter. In this case, you may have to confront your family history. For many generations the fathers and mothers have followed codes of behavior and lived with traditions which have enabled them to survive. Oftentimes, their lives have been driven by desires they could not understand but only honor.

To transcend personal history and not just seek its opposite by rebelling, you may have to come face to face with what the tradition could not name. To transform yourself, it may not be enough to abandon the tradition and go in another direction. You may have to take what drives the tradition--and all its fears and hopes--and transform them into pure light in your soul. In this way you do not exchange one set of desires, goals, or ideals for something else just as blind and dark. You fulfill needs and purposes which have been hidden from everyone else.

On the akasha plane Ugolog enables you to see all the factors influencing various situations. One of those factors is the light of Divine Providence which you are free to draw upon at your own discretion. If you want something enough, you can get it. But the cost is you have to become a conduit for the energy required to change history. You have to become the vehicle providing the will, the insight, and the power needed.

In the process, you are transformed in a profound way--into a spiritual being who bears responsibility for maintaining harmony in all aspects of the situation you are altering. This is what akasha does. It preserves the world and maintains balance while also enabling the highest purposes to be fulfilled.

Ugolog's vision of what shall be derives from the highest light. Seeing the future may seem to be a denial of freedom. It is the opposite.

Human beings can seek truth in a manner appropriate for their own nature and desires. Akasha contains variety and multiplicity as well as oneness--and it is forever new in every moment. Human beings will find and discover their own unique visions of love from out of their hearts. And yet it is possible to see the way individuals will make future choices without interfering with their freedom or devaluing the significance or the originality of their experience. In seeing the future, a prophet offers reassurance that the desires of the heart and the purposes of love will be fulfilled.

I ask Ugolog to assist me in seeing the future of someone I know. The choices this person will make are fresh and new. The feelings and insights she will experience have not been present in her life before. Still, it seems I can see her experiences in advance with complete clarity. The reason for this is that this individual's problems require her to pass certain kinds of situations in order to gain self-understanding.

Her process of growth can be slowed down or accelerated depending on her choices. But for her to generate the critical insights she needs to change herself, she needs to accumulate experience. Given her personality and personal history, her circumstances, and the influences on her life, I can see when this will happen.

I also consider another individual I know who has problems with marriage. He has a rich social life. He is very professional and successful in his career. And he is wise in advising others on their problems. But his difficulty is with intimacy. For a woman to feel close to him, he needs to learn a new skill.

Part of his emotional life is rigid like a stone when he actually needs to flow like water. He needs to provide emotional support that fosters intimacy. Then a woman can feel close to him and experience peace in his presence. Without this, he is bound to suffer loss again and again until he changes. It takes women a while to catch on but in the end they all have a powerful gut reaction which makes them leave him.

Ugolog might point out the above to this individual and then say something like this: "You know one or two people who could teach a four to eight hour seminar on how to help others work through their feelings. You would have to say to a teacher or counselor, `I want to learn a method for giving pure emotional support to others without engaging in any kind of problem solving or interpreting of their experience. Set up a seminar. I will pay for it and be there. I want to know this so well that in any situation of emotional conflict I can pause and reestablish rapport. You are going to teach me a skill which enables me to create in others the feelings of being loved and cared for."

In this case, Ugolog would like this individual to confront his karmic difficulty head on. He wants him to master it to such an extent that he can establish the intimacy he previously expected the woman to provide. I can see in this moment how over and over again he is going to run into a stone wall when he tries to live with a woman.

The first time he will crash fast. The second time it will be slow. The third time it will be even harder. But if someone lays the solution out in front of him and the part he can play, he can act to dissolve the whole problem so none of it remains.

The Mental Plane: On the mental plane, Ugolog offers encouragement and guidance. Being around Ugolog is like sitting down with a gentleman who happens to have known the parents on both sides of your family line reaching back thousands of years. He knows their thoughts, feelings, and decisions they have made. He offers you some options you may not have considered. He says you are free to choose any one of them. He explains them so well that when he is done it feels you have already lived through them.

Still, it is surprising how much power Ugolog wields though his only interest is in assisting you to make your highest and best decisions in life. It might seem that prophetic ability is a passive activity like a report on what shall be.

But Ugolog's active side is that he can save you many years of wasted time. He says things like, "This is what you might like to do because it is what you care most about. You can do this now that I have shown it to you or you can spend years searching in the wrong places or motivated in ways which have nothing to do with what is in your heart."

On the mental plane, then, Ugolog teaches you how to think in terms of the needs of your soul and to make plans which fulfill the purposes of your spirit. Again, as a counselor, he has the great advantage of being able to show you exactly what happens when you choose a course of action. Seeing it is not the same as undergoing the experience. But seeing it in advance and knowing it will work out are tremendous help when you are considering paths of life you have never explored before.

Ugolog likes to go into details when discussing the future. As you construct a picture of what you want, he keeps showing the blanks which need to be filled in. He reviews what you will need to do to accomplish your objectives. He will not tell you what you should be doing. He will only show you what you already feel in your heart and work with you so that it becomes a rich and complete vision.

Ugolog has a tremendous respect and appreciation for history. He likes to help you understand the world you are in. But he will also show you things that can be done which can only be found through divine vision.

The Astral Plane: Since the astral plane is close to the physical world, you see more about actual events on the time line. I had several dreams last night after working with Ugolog. One dream posed to me a question about how I wanted to work with a personal desire. Another dream showed me a dangerous situation I would need to avoid in the future. I saw a person, a location, and heard the words that would be spoken.

Meditating with Ugolog in this moment, however, I recall a time of severe depression when I was back in college. Though I was a serious student of theology, I noticed there were things religions were not teaching. They had not the faintest conception of how to write sacred literature like a psalm of King David's. They cherish the past and ritualize the sacred but forget that the sacred reveals itself anew in each moment.

On the astral plane, Ugolog's presence is like attending a seminar for writing psalms and also enrolling in a school for prophetic clairvoyance. To write a psalm you must be able to follow any feeling into the mythical, archetypal, primordial, and mysterious landscapes on the astral plane where it originates. Without fear, you must be able to follow your feelings to their source. Any sage or priest can only accompany you part way because they only know part of the truth and this is something you have to do for yourself.

To do so, you must be free to enter those places of fear and terror, of darkness, evil, and despair, the black holes within wisdom which cause cultures to die. And when you are there you sense the presence of the light of a love that shines everywhere. This solitary passage is a way of opening your eyes.

The highest love is present in the places of deepest despair and desolation. Those who experience this first hand often express the experience through an affirmation of faith. Job in his suffering when even his friends turned against him said, "For I know that my redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth; and though after my skin, worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God." King David who fled a number of times into the wilderness and lived in desolate caves to survive said, "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil."

Words such as these speak of a place on the astral plane where all support from the external world is cut off. But in this place we can still sense that love in which "we live, move, and have our being." This is a place within the soul which no image can reflect and no words express. The philosophy, concepts, and science of the mental plane offer no reassurance. And the physical world offers no protection. It is beyond the reach of all cultures and religions. It is the place within ourselves where feelings detect the invisible forces shaping the world before they manifest as physical events.

To write a psalm is to step inside the cold and implacable heart of Saturn and sing a song of love so beautiful the forces turning the wheel of time halt. They stop in order to listen to a voice which speaks with greater authority. When they begin to move again, they revolve around a different center. To speak with such a voice, feelings must be free to appear without hindrance and flow without resistance through your astral body. The reason evangelists are not prophets is that when they speak you can hear, in every single instance, fear vibrating within their voices.

There is a vast sea of energies on the astral plane. Part of this energy of feeling flows through our lives. We share with another a cup of affection and establish a marriage. We nourish generosity and the desire to service and form communities. And yet, there is always something new emerging, something that was there all along in the shadows--an unknown river breaking through from beneath the ground or a flood surging down a dry river bed lying empty for a thousand years. By sensing the subtle energies present on the astral plane, we can see in advance the ways tomorrow will be different from today.

Consider a few more examples of the necessity of dealing with darkness and seeming chaos when you enter the astral plane to see the future. I knew a woman who read Tarot cards. One day she read for three teenagers. She told them they must not ride in a car on the following Saturday or they would die. They did not believe her and inspite of all she did to convince them, they road into town and died in an accident.

After that she stopped reading Tarot cards for a number of years. Seeing the future and not being able to change it was too much for her to bear. Imagine then seeing an airliner crash or a natural disaster or a major military conflict. Imagine understanding that it is possible to alter the future but not being able to convince anyone to change. Or else imagine you possess a degree of magick but not enough to place causes on the inner planes which would protect the life which is endangered. You have to ask yourself how much you want to see and what divine principle you will utilize to guarantee your own emotional stability.

Consider now the Apostle John who wrote the book of Revelations while banished into exile on the isle of Patmos. People are still fighting over how to interpret his prophecies and to which time his words apply. John was the only disciple of Christ who did not suffer a violent death. Pause with me a moment and envision from John's perspective the future of his religion as if you were him and could see through the veils of the future.

I am not interested in criticizing Christianity. Rather, I want to use John's historical situation to illustrate the astonishing twists of fate and whirlwinds of emotional confusion which lie in wait to destroy the faith of those who would be a prophet or clairvoyant.

There are many reversals in Christianity which separate it from Judaism. After all, God had delivered Israel from bondage in Egypt through incredible miracles and demonstrations of divine power yet Moses was only a prophet. And under Solomon God had granted Israel peace and honor among the nations so that a temple could be built without the king having blood on his hands. Surely, in comparison to these things, if a Messiah were to come, even the Roman Empire could not stand against him.

But this is not the way it happened. Yet Christ demonstrated to John his power over life and death--he raised from the dead and he was also resurrected. He could control nature--he walked on water and the storm and sea would calm with a word from his lips. Even time served this master. Christ took John and two other disciples upon a hill and let them speak face to face with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And Christ prophesied the fall and total destruction of Jerusalem which occurred in John's life time.

But this was the crunch--the kingdom of God is not to be of this world. God had a greater gift to bestow. The Holy of Holies would not be secluded in a back room of a temple which the high priest would enter once a year. Our bodies are to be the temple of God and each man would know God within his own heart. For John and many followers of Christ in the first century, the vision is spellbinding and the experience of faith more precious than life.

And so, upon Patmos, in the role of a prophet, we hear John's words, "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,...." John was on the astral plane wrapped about within the eye of Divine vision. His first concern was the seven churches. He saw the spirit of Christ warring to preserve light on earth. Yet imagine the level of difficulty--with this degree of vision, you can see so clearly that a day or thousand years makes little difference.

It was not going well for the church. During John's life, there were persecutions and contrary movements developing. Heresies were flourishing. The forces pitted against the church seemed staggering. A prophet like John gazing into the future wants so badly for love to triumph, but human beings seem to make every other thing their priority. In doing so, they fall from the light and the Word of God no longer guides them. The forces of fate and destruction then reign over them.

Things were so bad that even as early as the second century, church bishops were beginning to tell their followers not to seek Christ in their own hearts and through their own experience but to rely on the doctrines of the bishops for guidance. Only later on in the third century would persecution end when the Roman Emperor adopted Christianity as the state religion. Then bishops would have a free hand to forge and enforce a set of doctrines threatening exile or death to those who would dissent.

For John, it is not completely clear if the victory of Christianity over the Roman Empire is triumph of spirit or a curse lasting for millennia. Political power is substituted for trust in God. Israel never leaned this lesson to trust in the Spirit to sustain its existence. Would Christianity follow the same path of self-destruction? But this was not even the worst of what was to come.

Rome would be sacked again and again. Europe would be under such threat that only in Ireland would writing and scholarship be preserved. The light of learning almost died. In the sixth century, St. Columba would have to fight a war over the right to make a single copy of the Gospel of John.

And there are other forces John could see clearly. But was it the Black Death of the middle ages that he saw in which one out of three individuals in Europe would die of the plague? And what would John make of the Crusades? John proclaimed with his own pen that "the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." What would he think of the need to have a "holy land" to visit on pilgrimage to renew your faith rather than knowing the spirit within your heart? Would "the Word" and the Holy Spirit flee the earth and would men be so spiritually impoverished that they would be left with only a few ruins and the dust where Christ walked? When men are separate from God they fail to realize that the wasteland and destruction are their own creation.

Wasn't the whole point of the incarnation to get beyond temples made with men's hands which could be destroyed by other men? So what would John think of these huge medieval temples sprouting up all over Europe? Were men trying to equal the temple of Solomon or to surpass the temples' architecture of Greece and Rome? Or was art trying to reflect the sacred it found within the heart? Perhaps John would reflect that even in the wilderness Moses gave the people a tabernacle where the peace of God was more real to the five senses.

Did John see that after the Reformation, in the name of Christ and by Christ's power and authority, the Christian church would burn alive at the stake millions of individuals? The dead would be far more than the million individuals who populated Rome in John's own time. But how is a prophet to deal with the fact that his religion would, without remorse, commit the worst atrocity in the entire history of religion on our planet? Monsters appear within the church. You can tell by their works and by the fear in their voice and the hatred in their eyes. The counter reformation and its wars will occur, as will St. Columba's battle, as a conflict between authority and the right of individuals to read the sacred texts with their own eyes and to decide for themselves by the power of spirit the meaning.

Did John also see the First and Second World Wars? Would he see forty years of nuclear brinkmanship on the edge of an abyss risking planetary annihilation? And did he see a small dictator at the end of the twentieth century with 2,500 liters of aflatoxin loaded into warheads and bombs with enough capacity to kill every human being on earth?

On the astral plane it is a little bit difficult to measure time because time is suspended. Yet John wrote what he saw: "And I looked and, behold, a pale horse, and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth."

Whether John was speaking in metaphor or not, the actual angel of death appeared during Passover just before the Jews fled Egypt. It was not by whimsy that the angel struck dead the first born male of the Egyptians. The Pharaoh had earlier decreed that the first born male of the Jews be thrown into the Nile. Moses himself was perhaps the only survivor of that plague of death. It is no surprise that Moses returned this curse upon a Pharaoh who would bind this people to slavery in this foreign land.

The angel of death appeared again when Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, was besieging Jerusalem. On behalf of king Hezekiah, the prophet Isaiah "prayed and cried to heaven." And the angel destroyed a large portion of Sennacherib's army in one night so the siege was lifted.

The angel of death, a dangerous and terrifying spirit, has an inner source of inspiration. It is this: there are times when living beings and what is must be destroyed so that life may flourish and transform to attain greater ends. The point is that, though John's visions are excruciatingly horrifying and encounter dark forces shaping history, he kept his eyes open and reported what he saw. It is up to reader to determine on his own behalf the significance of John's words.

Whatever John saw in his vision, he personally felt protected. It does not matter how much confusion and chaos there is to be in future history. John felt the light of God was with him illuminating his vision. For John, God's presence is unmistakable and irrefutable.

After all John's visions of the powers of destruction which shall befall the earth, John, like Job, David, and Isaiah, could affirm a final end which resolves the conflicts of history: "and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away." To work with prophecy, you must be convinced from the bottom of your heart that love with its power to transform history is at the center of the universe and that all things turn upon it. Without such absolute conviction, the depths of the astral plane are an abyss of terrifying dimension.

Akasha itself speaks with a voice to those who would be clairvoyant. It says, "If you wish to walk this way and to see as we see the things that shall be, then you must be as one of us--your faith must be absolute and your heart must be pure; and at the core of your being you must know that love is sovereign so that you exist beyond all fear."

In my own experience, I have had what I consider a few prophetic visions. Within a dream I awake and am presented with a clear, detailed picture of some event which is about to happen. In one case a few days later, I met two other individuals who had had this exact same vision.

In the vision, there is both a detachment and an urgency. It is as if a voice is saying, "I have spoken with a billion souls this night. And though a few have heard my words and seen what you have seen, not one has decided to do anything to change what is to come." The voice implies that the future is negotiable. But to change great historical events, you have to be willing to pay the price--to become in your own soul a conduit that channels energies sufficient to lay a foundation for a more benevolent future.

The Physical Plane: When Ugolog enters the etheric\physical world, you experience events of the future in a more physical way. By working with spirits such as Oramos or using the cosmic letter UE you can also see the future. You walk around in the clairvoyanht vision among "actual events" which later happen. You do not see everything. There is too much going on to take it all in. But you can at least focus on a few things which are of major concern to you.

Ugolog says to me, "You desire to be happy. But your happiness has a divine vision hidden within it. I will show you this vision. It is for you to decide on what level you wish to be satisfied." Ugolog proceeds to show me a future I had not considered. I can close my eyes in this moment and step directly into it.

When you work with the future in this way, you build a bridge between the present and the fulfillment of your desires. It is not just that you know what to look for and expect it to arrive sooner. The end you desire is already alive within you. Ugolog assists you to cherish and nurture this life so that you feel fully alive in the present moment as well. In regard to desire and fulfillment, Ugolog is not only a seer. He is a fabulous counselor whose psychology illuminates the mysteries of history and time.

In the cosmic language, the letter UE relates the most to prophecy. Practicing this letter in your aura develops your ability to see how the future unfolds from the point of view of akasha. I wrote this poem to express the "voice" of UE:

I am the benevolence of Divine Providence
I create, I inspire, I guide
I make all things new in the fullness of time

I am the wish-fulfilling gem 
I satisfy your deepest cravings 
And reveal your highest path to perfection 

I am the mysterious nexus:
Through my soul pass
The most obscure forces 
Holding history in their grasp

Amid your worst nightmare, 
Your greatest fear,
Your obstacles 
Impenetrable and severe
I open the gateway to freedom 

Who Celebrates these things: 
The beauty of the earth and sky uniting
The tossing and turning of the seasons in wild passion
And this also: 
The vast, unknown reaches 
Within a heart without hope--
Swirling cosmic dust
Giving birth to stars
Out of the dark womb of infinite space

My wealth is the joining 
Of matter and spirit without limit 
And my consort is the fire 
Illuminating the world with universal love.